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Rate Guarantee!

FirstCollect will beat any agency rate - it's that simple! If your customers aren't responding to your payment requests, it's time to contact FirstCollect, Inc. today!

FirstCollect, Inc.

PO Box 102
Lewes, DE 19958
302.644.6806 fax

Do I need an agency?

Answer five questions to find out.


FirstCollect, Inc. offers comprehensive collection services. Our collection service will effectively handle your bad debt receivables, all at a rate that is guaranteed to beat any other major collection agency.

The regular collection service is designed to immediately help you recover bad debt receivables through mail and telephone contact with deliquent debtors. The skiptracing service is designed to find contact information on deliquent debtors who have "skipped".  The litigation service is designed to obtain judgement on those deliquent debtors who do not respond to regular collection techniques.

Manage your bad debt receivables effectively with Delaware's premier debt collection service - FirstCollect, Inc. Contact our office today for more information.

Regular Collection Service

