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Rate Guarantee!

FirstCollect will beat any agency rate - it's that simple! If your customers aren't responding to your payment requests, it's time to contact FirstCollect, Inc. today!

FirstCollect, Inc.

PO Box 102
Lewes, DE 19958
302.644.6806 fax

Do I need an agency?

Answer five questions to find out.

Do I need a Collection Agency?

How do you know if you need an agency or if your current agency is right for you?

Answer each of the following questions with Yes or No to find out!

  • Does your office have the time to do collections?
  • Does your office have the staff to handle collections?
  • Does your current agency respond promptly to your calls?
  • Does your current agency collect more than 10 percent of the accounts that you place with them?
  • Can your current agency litigate the accounts requiring more intensive collection efforts?


If you answered no to any of these questions, then it's time to contact FirstCollect, Inc. today! Our team of dedicated debt collection professionals will handle your collection services, provide unmatched customer service and results - and all of it comes with FirstCollect, Inc's customary rate guarantee!